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Nov. 13 2020
It seems like everything I see, hear, or read about these days is building momentum toward the impending holiday season
Nov. 9 2020
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a phrase we have all heard and can relate to
Oct. 30 2020
Newborn calves are an everyday occurrence on our family’s farm. Each one has its own unique pedigree, birth story, personality, and set of quirks
Oct. 29 2020
What does your farm look like on Google? I've written about this before so you can understand how the farm looks to the rest of the world via your own farm website, social media, news articles, and so...
Oct. 22 2020
We built what we consider our dream house on our family dairy farm five years ago, and we have settled in quite well
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Oct. 19 2020
A brand new type of farm tour is on the horizon, and it’s here to reach the latest age of consumer: Generation Z
Oct. 8 2020
While a lot of people might have Friday night plans, many farmers plans don't include leaving their farm
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Oct. 5 2020
The dairy industry enjoys a rich history full of value and innovation. When those two attributes are joined together, it brings accessible nutrition to people who need it
Oct. 1 2020
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
Sept. 25 2020
In a world of pandemic conditions and political discussions, it seems like there’s a new thing to worry about every day
Sept. 22 2020
A major role of the Animal Agriculture Alliance is monitoring animal rights activist organizations
Sept. 18 2020
One of my best friends told me she wanted the full farm experience, so I invited her to stay on our acreage and dive into farm life in abundant and not-so-glamorous ways
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Sept. 15 2020
For the past week, our farm and family have found ourselves in the path of a wildfire. It’s one of those natural disaster situations you hope and pray you never have to deal with
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Sept. 7 2020
Milk on cereal, cream cheese on a bagel, butter on toast, and yogurt with its mix-ins and toppings all give breakfast the potential to be a very dairy-friendly occasion. We’ve heard for generations
Abby blog
Sept. 4 2020
I have two young children, and keeping them occupied and safe can feel like a full-time job in some situations. This gives me a whole new appreciation and admiration for all the farm moms out there who
Aug. 31 2020
As you've probably seen, “Got Milk?” is back, and it has been showcased on national television outlets such as ESPN and on popular social media platforms, including TikTok
Aug. 28 2020
For the first time in many months, I’ve spent the last two weeks at home with my family. Normally, I am back at school by now, and aside from my normally abbreviated winter break, I don’t normally...
Aug. 27 2020
We started chopping corn silage this week, which provides a great opportunity for our farm kids to help and learn.Is it just me, or are all of the mothers out there feeling a tad overwhelmed
Aug. 24 2020
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its dairy students
Aug. 20 2020
Dellavale Farms is a century farm located in Pattersonville, N.Y. It is run by Terri Phillips and her husband, Tom Nelson, who are the fourth generation on the Phillips’ farm